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School of Biological Sciences School of Biological Sciences

Concurrent Enrollment

Concurrent enrollment will allow individuals to take courses at UCSD without having to go through the traditional admissions process.

Enrollment Process

  • Review the Concurrent Enrollment eligibility requirements and enrollment deadlines.
  • Review Biology course(s) available on the Schedule of Classes. Students are expected to meet prerequisites for coursework in which they are interested.
  • Complete the Concurrent Enrollment application that is located on the Concurrent Enrollment website.
  • Once approved by Extended Studies, complete one EASy Request for each course in which enrollment is being requested. Reference Step 5 on the Concurrent Enrollment website. The EASy Request will be automatically routed to the School of Biological Sciences.
  • The School of Biological Sciences will review and process EASy Requests during week 3 of each quarter, in the order received.
  • Instructor approval process will be handled through EASy. Students do not need to contact the Instructor for approval.
  • During the review process, the instructor may require additional information. Ensure all supporting documents (transcripts, AP/IB test scores, etc.) are readily available, in the event the Instructor requests them or requires additional information. If requested, please attach supporting documentation in the Supporting Docs section of EASy.
  • If approved by the instructor and space is available in the requested course and section, the School of Biological Sciences will approve enrollment. EASy will notify the student and Extended Studies via an email notification. Extended Studies will provide further guidance on the next steps and the payment process.
  • If denied by the instructor and/or if space is not available in the requested course and section, the EASy Request will be denied and the student will receive an email notification with further instructions by the School of Biological Sciences.

Important Notes:

  • Submit one EASy Request per course.
  • Concurrent Enrollment EASy Requests are not reviewed before or after the third week of each quarter.


Information on course fees can be found on the Concurrent Enrollment page on the UC San Diego Extension website.

Questions on Concurrent Enrollment? Call 858-534-3400 or email