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School of Biological Sciences School of Biological Sciences

Information for Instructional Assistants

Office Hours

Location: Humanities & Social Science (HSS) room 1145L

  • Available Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-8 p.m. (excluding holidays).
  • Instructional Assistants may view weekly time slots using the calendar link.
  • Requests are only accepted via the School's IA Office Hour Reservation Request form.
  • The conference room is not secure; personal belongings should not be left unattended.
  • Please be respectful of all users by adhering to reservation times and leaving a clean space.

Alternative Locations: IAs may choose to hold office hours in an Outdoor study space, Group Study Room, through Open Desk, at a coffee cart, or virtually.

Exam Support

Instructional Assistant may be asked to assist with facilitation of Scranton exams and/or Exam Depot drop off. Please review the documents for further instructions.

Review and Grading Sections

Requests are only accepted via the School's Room Reservation Request form.

Please allow a minimum of two full working days for a response.

NOTE: Large review sessions are most successfully scheduled in the late evening or on the weekends.


IAs may be able to access useful equipment via the Tech Lending Program.

Professional Development for PhD Students

Career exploration and skill development resources for Biological Sciences Ph.D. Program students are catalogued at the Professional Development page.

Getting Help through Campus Resources

The School of Biological Sciences believes in the safety and well-being of its community members - faculty, staff, graduate students, and undergraduate students - and upholds UC San Diego's Principles of Community.

Should any member of our community experience an issue that goes against these principles, they should feel comfortable seeking help and guidance in a confidential way. Please review and learn about the various avenues of support that exist across UC San Diego at  the Getting Help through Campus Resources page. 


For more information about the resources listed above, or related to logistical or administrative aspects of an IA assignment, please contact

Dr. Stanley Lo is the Faculty Advisor for Instructional Assistants. The Faculty Advisor is a point of initial contact for inquiries related to professional development as an IA, science of teaching, classroom effectiveness, or other questions and concerns related to ethics, behavior, or academic integrity.

Office: York Hall 4070B