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School of Biological Sciences School of Biological Sciences

Mailing Lists

Division Electronic Mailing Lists

Division employees may view a full list of the division's mailing lists and list managers by logging into the Administrative Portal.

All Biology

The email list has all members of the Division of Biology automatically enrolled and does not allow members to be removed. The dean's office staff moderates the list, forwarding only messages related to Division business and relevant to all members of the Division. This list is expected to be a very low bandwidth list.

Lab Miscellaneous

The list has been created for research related email such as questions about equipment, procedures, etc. Anyone can add themselves to this list (including people outside of the Division of Biology) and anyone on the list can remove themselves using the instructions for Mailing List Subscribers (this list is located on UCSD's central servers).


The list allows people outside the division to subscribe to informational announcements and reminders about our upcoming division seminars. To subscribe, please contact Corrin Losie,

UC San Diego Electronic Mailing Lists

For general information on subscribing, creating or emailing campus lists please visit the blink page on Electronic Mailing Lists at UCSD.