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School of Biological Sciences School of Biological Sciences

How to get Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

PPE Distribution Program

Remember, PPE is FREE for eligible researchers!

Eligible active researchers in a UCSD lab will receive the following Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) through the EH&S-sponsored PPE Distribution Program:

  • 2 lab coats if eligible
  • 1 pair of safety glasses if eligible
  • This program also includes FREE laundering service

Contact the PPE Fitting Room at or 818-534-2698 or visit their website: PPE Support for Researchers

Hopkins Parking Structure Second Floor Office

Pacific Hall: outside the south entrance, adjacent to campus mailboxes

Who is eligible to participate?

UCSD faculty, research staff, post-doctoral researchers, visiting scholars, graduate students, and paid undergraduate student workers. Contact the PPE Office,, for further details regarding eligibility. Volunteers are only eligible for loaner lab coats.

How to receive your PPE

  1. Make sure your lab manager or supervisor has added you as "Lab Personnel" under your "My  EH&S Profile" using the My Research Safety portal.
  2. Further, your manager/supervisor should add you as a member of the lab's "Laboratory Hazard Assessment Tool"(LHAT) along with each associated Hazard Control Plan(HCP). For additional troubleshooting and 1:1 assistance with these electronic safety applications, please contact the Division Safety Office,
  3. Once you have been added to the appropriate applications, please schedule an appointment with the PPE Office via the PPE online form or complete a virtual fitting over email via their online formSecondary PPE may also be received if deemed essential for safe research by the LHAT module. You will receieve your lab coat on the day of your fitting appointment.

Researchers who will be on campus less than 6 months

People who will be on campus for less than 6 months and volunteers may take part in the loaner lab coat program. Please contact the Division Safety Office,, for further clarification and details.

Researchers who are not UCSD student or staff

If you are not a UCSD student or staff member (i.e. visiting scholars, volunteers, etc.), you must have a UCSD Single Sign-On (SSO) affiliate account. Please contact your Biology HR representative for additional details.

Researchers who are not eligible for PPE Distribution Program

For those individuals not eligible for this program, PPE can be purchased on Marketplace or through the Campus Bookstore

Researchers who do not wish to participate in the PPE Distribution Program

Lab members are authorized to use alternate lab coats not provided by the UCSD PPE Distribution Program if said coats are a.) in good condition and, b.) adhere to the PPE standard identified in the Laboratory Hazard Assessment process (LHAT).

Please review  Personal Protective Equipment - Requirements: Research Employees to learn how to effectively use the Laboratory Hazard Assessment Tool (LHAT) for hazard identification and risk mitigation.

Questions or concerns? Contact your School Safety Officer at or 858-333-9791.