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School of Biological Sciences School of Biological Sciences

Professional Development & Support Services

Publishing through Saltman Quarterly

The Saltman Quarterly welcomes brevia letters from students currently enrolled in the MS portion of the Biology Contiguous BS/MS program, and also from recent graduates. This is an exciting opportunity for MS students to publish their current research findings, and will not preclude the future publication of their research in other scientific journals. SQ accepts both finished and in-progress research. To be eligible for selection, in-progress research must include significant preliminary findings at the time of submission. Brevia letters provide a brief overview of the student's independent biological research and are limited to 300-500 words and must include one graphic figure (table, graph, picture, etc.). Please see the SQ website for details.

Graduate and Professional Student Association

The Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) is the governing student body composed of elected graduate representatives from respective departments at UCSD . The BS/MS GPSA representative is responsible for updating their peers on matters discussed at the biweekly GPSA meetings, as well as organizing professional and social events to further enhance the experience of students in the BS/MS program.

GPSA representative elections are held during the summer term. Students are encouraged to reach out to their GPSA representative with event ideas or general program suggestions.

Representative for the 2022-2023 academic year: Nkechi Iroanusi

BUMMP (Biology Undergraduate and Master's Mentoring Program)

BUMMP is a program aimed to connect Biology Undergraduate and Master's students with faculty, postdocs and Ph.D. student Mentors. BUMMP aims to provide a safe space where mentees will receive assistance with career planning and advising, as well as discuss any challenges they are facing with their research or degree progress. More information can be found on the BUMMP website.

Current UCSD students: Please submit your questions via the VAC. An advisor will respond in 1-3 business days.
Drop-in Advising times are posted on the Advising Calendar.