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Welcome to our new 2019 Ph.D. Candidates!

September 27, 2019

By Suzi Harlow

You will be the creative engines of Biological Sciences. You’ll be the ones pushing the boundaries and creating new science.

Kit Pogliano, Dean of Biological Sciences

With these inspiring words, the dean of Biological Sciences welcomed the incoming class in the UCSD-Salk Biological Sciences doctoral program. The 28 students in the 2019 cohort are from across the United States and around the world with domestic students representing 7 states, and international students coming from China, Italy, Korea, Malaysia, and Taiwan.

Following the welcome from Dean Pogliano, Graduate Committee chair Andrew Chisholm gave an overview of the Ph.D. program and the new core curriculum, and then a day of informational sessions followed. In the evening, the new students met their peer mentors for dinner overlooking the Pacific Ocean at the Martin Johnson House at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Boot Camp started the next day with laboratory safety training and an afternoon of team building on the UCSD Challenge Course, and continued for the next two weeks with workshops, poster sessions, laboratory group projects, and lunchtime chalk talks presented by the students. To kick off the new academic year, the class traveled to the Lake Arrowhead Resort and Spa for the annual two-day retreat which brings together over 200 faculty, postdocs, and graduate students from the Division of Biological Sciences and the Salk Institute.

group photo of incoming doctoral candidates


Suzi Harlow