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School of Biological Sciences School of Biological Sciences

Science Communication Initiatives

There are two exciting opportunities for undergraduate students to develop their scientific and communication skills by producing materials intended to enhance scientific understanding to a wide variety of audiences. 

Participation in these programs is by application . Undergraduate students at any level are welcome to apply. See below for more details. 

BioClock Studio

Students accepted to participate in the BioClocks Studio will engage in an innovative course in which undergraduate students, drawn from diverse disciplines across the arts and the sciences, work collaboratively to develop their scientific and communication skills and produce creative educational materials. Students in the BioClock Studio will work with faculty to enhance scientific understanding among different audiences, including the general public, clinicians and researchers outside of circadian biology, and students' academic peers.

Saltman Quarterly

The  Saltman Quarterly Program (SQ) conveys the excitement of science and increases the awareness of and pride in the contributions of undergraduates to biological research in the Division of Biological Sciences, UC San Diego and the greater San Diego community. The program started with its cornerstone publication, the Saltman Quarterly Research Journal, and now includes Under the Scope: Proceedings of the Annual Biological Sciences Research Showcase, SQ Online, SQ Insider, and many forms of community outreach. There are opportunities to write, edit, and review both scholarly articles and popular features, get feedback from faculty, and learn what it takes to produce complex and beautifully designed publications and to become effective science communicators in the digital age.