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School of Biological Sciences School of Biological Sciences

Ashley Juavinett


My research and writing focuses broadly on education and careers in the field of neuroscience. I’m interested in capitalizing on open access datasets as a course-based undergraduate research experience. We are developing scaffolds for such datasets that will enable students to ask their own questions of cutting edge data. I am interested in whether these approaches will create realistic, engaging laboratory experiences and ultimately invite diverse students into the field of neuroscience.

Select Publications

  • Juavinett, A.L., Erlich, J., Churchland, A.C. (2018). Decision-making behaviors: weighing ethology, complexity, and sensorimotor compatibility. Current Opinion Neurobiology 49:42-50. PMID: 29179005.
  • Juavinett, A.L., Nauhaus, I., Garrett, M.G., Callaway, E.M. (2017). Automated identification of mouse visual areas with intrinsic signal imaging. Nature Protocols 12(1):32-43. PMID: 27906169
  • Kim. E.J., Juavinett, A.L., Kyubwa, E.M., Jacobs, M.W., Callaway, E.M. (2015). Three Types of Cortical Layer 5 Neurons That Differ in Brain-wide Connectivity and Function. Neuron 88(6): 1253-67. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2015.11.002.
  • Juavinett, A.L., Callaway, E.M. (2015). Pattern and Component Motion Responses in Mouse Visual Cortex. Current Biology 25(13): 1759-64. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2015.05.028.
  • Stewart, J.L., Juavinett, A.L., May, A.C., Davenport, P.W., Paulus, M.P. (2015). Do You Feel Alright? Attenuated Neural Processing of Aversive Interoceptive Stimuli in Current Stimulant Users. Psychophysiology 52(2): 249-62. doi: 10.1111/psyp.12303
  • Pineda, J.A., Juavinett, A.L., Datko, M. (2012). Self-regulation of brain oscillations as a treatment for aberrant brain connections in children with autism. Medical Hypotheses 79(6): 790-8.


Ashley Juavinett received her Ph.D. from UC San Diego and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. She returned to UC San Diego as an Assistant Teaching Professor in 2018.

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