Jonathan Shurin
My lab studies the connections between population, community and ecosystem ecology in aquatic environments. We are particularly interested in the flow of energy between trophic levels, the impact of consumers on their resources, and the control of species diversity. We use broad geographic comparisons, mesocosm experiments and theory to address these questions. My students have worked in communities of freshwater plankton, marine fishes and intertidal algae and invertebrates.
Select Publications
- Symons, C.C. and Shurin, J.B., 2016, June. Climate constrains lake community and ecosystem responses to introduced predators. In Proc. R. Soc. B (Vol. 283, No. 1832, p. 20160825). The Royal Society.
- Markel, R.W.* and J.B. Shurin. 2015. Indirect effects of sea otters on rockfish (Sebastes spp.) in giant kelp forests. Ecology 96: 2877-2890.
- Hong, B.C.* and J.B. Shurin. 2015. Latitudinal variation in the response of tidepool copepods to mean and daily range in temperature. Ecology 96: 2348–2359.
- Clasen, J.L. and J.B. Shurin. 2015. Kelp forest size alters microbial community structure and function on Vancouver Island, Canada. Ecology96: 862-872.
- Shurin, J.B., R.L. Abbott, M.S. Deal, G.T. Kwan*, E. Litchman, R. McBride, S. Mandal, V.H. Smith. 2013. Industrial-strength ecology: Tradeoffs and opportunities in algal biofuel production. Ecology Letters 16: 1393-1404.
- Atwood, T.B.*, E. Hammill, H.S. Greig, P. Kratina, J.B. Shurin, D.S. Srivastava and J.S. Richardson. 2013. Predators reduce CO2 emissions from freshwater ecosystems. Nature Geoscience 6: 191-194. Featured in Science News, New Scientist and Faculty of 1000.
Dr. Shurin studies the causes and consequences of variation in species diversity, the flow of energy between producers and consumers, and the impacts of predators on the functioning of ecosystems.