UCSD Academic Senate to Honor Biology Professor Steve Wasserman
MAY 10, 2007
By Pat Walsh

Steve Wasserman
Biology professor Steve Wasserman was one of five faculty members recently selected to receive a 2006-07 UCSD Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Award. The award recognizes those teachers who have made significant contributions to the educational mission of the university.
In nominating him for the award, the Division of Biological Sciences noted that Wasserman has distinguished himself not only as a teacher but also as a leader in instructional innovation and as a mentor to both students and colleagues. In its enthusiastic endorsement of. Wasserman, the Division commended him for being a highly effective instructor in both large and small classroom settings and one who assumes responsibility for making certain that learning, not just lecturing, takes place in the classroom. The Division noted the consistently high ratings he has received from students taking his courses. Wasserman was also recognized for his leadership in revamping introductory undergraduate biology education at UCSD, for his successful efforts in obtaining funding for instructional improvement, and for fostering curricular revision by running a monthly meeting of faculty in the introductory course series.
Professor Wasserman is a member of the Division's Section of Cell and Developmental Biology. He and the other award recipients will be honored for their excellence in teaching at an Awards Ceremony and Reception to be held at the Faculty Club on Friday, June 1.