Professor Vivek Malhotra named Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
October 28, 2005

Professor Vivek Malhotra
Biology Professor Vivek Malhotra is one of three UCSD faculty who have been named 2005 Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the nation's largest scientific organization. His election was announced in the October 28 issue of the journal Science.
Malhotra was cited by the Biological Sciences section of the AAAS for his "pioneering molecular analysis of Golgi complex assembly and disassembly during the cell cycle and the role of protein kinase D in secretion."
Malhotra received his Ph.D. from Oxford University and was a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University. He is a recipient of an American Cancer Society Senior Postdoctoral Fellowship and a Basil O'Connor award from the March of Dimes Foundation. He is a member of the Section of Cell & Developmental Biology.
The other two UCSD Fellows in this year's class are William Bechtel, professor of philosophy, and Paul Insel, professor of pharmacology. All of this year's Fellows were honored by the AAAS for "efforts toward advancing science applications that are deemed scientifically or socially distinguished."
The Fellows will be presented with an official certificate and a gold and blue rosette pin (representing science and engineering, respectively) on February 18, during the 2006 AAAS Annual Meeting in St. Louis.