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School of Biological Sciences School of Biological Sciences

Undergraduate Program Staff Advisors

Meet Our Team

We advise on major and minor program requirements, applicable course selection, course pre-requisites, long term planning, selective major application, opportunities related to major/minor (e.g. studying abroad, research for credit, etc.), and resource referral.

Check the advising services page for details on the many ways our team can assist you.

Undergraduate Programs and Support Services Staff
Advisor Name
Laura Majoch
Assistant Director, Undergraduate Programs and Support Services
Daily operation, administration, and management of undergraduate programs, student support services, and support staff; oversight of development and implementation of comprehensive academic advising program
Camille Sta Elena
Senior Undergraduate Advisor
Undergraduate advising and program support.
Lindsay Velasquez
Senior Undergraduate Advisor
Undergraduate advising and program support.
Brian Hamlett
Undergraduate Advisor
Undergraduate advising and minor declaration request administration.
Rachel Mori
Undergraduate Advisor
Undergraduate advising and Honors Thesis Program (BISP 196) administration.
Bianca Poveda
Undergraduate Advisor
Undergraduate advising and School change of major request administration.
Haille Thomas
Undergraduate Advisor
Undergraduate advising and Phage Genomics Program administration.
Julie Vitale
Undergraduate Advisor
Undergraduate advising and selective major application administration.