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School of Biological Sciences School of Biological Sciences

Campus Managed Equipment

Autoclaves & Glassware Washers

Each Division occupied building has equipment rooms with autoclaves and glassware washers. Please contribute to the general housekeeping of these equipment rooms. Clean up spilled soap or broken glass; dispose of all of your trash. Place all biohazardous waste in the gray collection containers.

Do not pour melted agar down the sink drain! If you autoclave agar media with water in your secondary containers, you MUST let the water cool completely before pouring down the drain. Some agar media may have boiled over during autoclaving and will solidify in the pipes, clogging the sink drain, once cooled.

Report Problems

Report floods, clogged sinks, or equipment problems to Facilities Management (FM) at (858) 53 4-2930. Include the building and room number and a detailed description of the problem.

To prevent duplicate service calls, post a note on the broken machine, clogged sink, etc. to inform other users that a service call has been placed.

Get Training

Training on proper and safe use of autoclaves and glassware washers is required. For more information, please refer to Autoclave Training.
Questions or concerns? Contact your School Safety Officer at or 858-333-9791.