Discover Funding
Eureka! Scholarship Program
Eureka! Scholars is a highly competitive summer research training program for some of our most promising undergraduates. Each year, we select up to 10 outstanding, upper-level students to participate as Eureka! Scholars during the summer months in leading life sciences labs.
Wienhausen Award
The Gabriele Wienhausen Biological Sciences Scholarship is a highly competitive annual award for continuing students who demonstrate outstanding academic and community engagement at UC San Diego. Each year, we select an exceptional, biology upperclassman to receive a one-year award up to $2,000, to financially support their college career at UC San Diego.
Undergraduate Research Summer Scholarship Program (URS)
Find information about UC San Diego's undergraduate research scholarship (URS) program. Several different scholarships are available across multiple research areas.
Student Travel Funds
The School of Biological Sciences currently does not provide travel fund to financially support or fund students attending conferences and competitions. This would include funds for individual students and organizations for a variety of travel-related expenses, such as travel, hotel costs, and conference fees.