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School of Biological Sciences School of Biological Sciences

Faculty Assistants

Faculty Assistants are an administrative support unit providing service to faculty in several key areas:

We assist faculty with...

Instruction/Course Support

  • Upload course materials -- syllabi and other instruction-related materials -- via Canvas. Obtain course rosters, enrollment numbers and emails via Canvas/Blink. Note: The instructor will need to give the Faculty Assistant TA access in order to do this.
  • Arrange for duplication of documents for in-class distribution, such as exams and quizzes.
  • Reserve space for office hours. Review sessions and exam overflow to be reserved through Student & Instructional Services.
  • Order, maintain, distribute, and reimburse supplies for instruction.
  • Facilitate use of Scantrons, e.g., provide forms, scan exams, provide results and analytics.
  • Distribute graded exams at the Exam Depot or electronically.
  • Place items on Course Reserves via the UC San Diego Library.

Financial Processes

  • Assist faculty and faculty's lab members with making travel and entertainment arrangements and preparing expense reports for reimbursement or reconciling T&E card expenses.
  • Process reimbursements for all other out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Before you travel or request a reimbursement, you and your lab members must designate your FA as your Travel Arranger and Request and Expense Delegate in your Concur profile.
  • Assist with Procurement Card and Travel & Entertainment Card application requests.
  • Provide basic guidance to faculty and faculty's lab members on Procurement Card expense reporting. Procurement Card purchases are to be reconciled by faculty/faculty's lab manager/member.

General Office Administration

  • Answer and route questions from faculty and faculty's lab members.
  • Advertise faculty-led events.
  • Provide daily oversight of building conference rooms; serve as maintenance/repair/supply liaison for custodial services and communal office machines; maintain bulletin board postings; provide key control.
  • Reserve meeting space for meetings and events related to teaching and research.
  • Assist with mail distribution and nonhazardous package shipping and receiving.
  • Assist with new faculty relocations and transition.

Department Chair's Assistant Tasks

  • Coordinate logistics for meetings, events, seminars, and visits hosted by the department.
  • Provide logistical support for events and meetings pertaining to faculty advancement and file review.
  • Working with Search Committee and Department Chairs to host faculty candidate recruitment visits, organizing aspects including travel, seminars, meetings, and entertainment. Work with other faculty assistants, unit leaders, and departments to coordinate visits.
  • Assist Department Chair with preparing and managing correspondence and other related materials.


Find faculty assistants by faculty name

Hana Haddad
Administrative Support Supervisor
Hana’s Team Chat

Mailing Address

School of Biological Sciences
Faculty Assistants
9500 Gilman Drive, Mail Code: See individual's mail code
La Jolla, CA 92093-0346


Group Leader

Jennifer Griffin
Chief Operations Officer
Jen's Team Chat

Group Supervisor

Hana Haddad
Administrative Support Supervisor
Hana’s Team Chat

Faculty Assistants

Alyona Bobkova
Faculty Assistant
Humanities and Social Sciences Building 8047
Ria Vanessa Del Rosario
Faculty Assistant and Department of Cell & Developmental Biology Chair's Assistant
Natural Sciences Building 4119
Joanna Dunn
Faculty Assistant and Department of Ecology, Behavior & Evolution Chair's Assistant
Humanities and Social Sciences Building 8047
Cristina Mariano
Faculty Assistant and Department of Molecular Biology Chair's Assistant
Bonner Hall 3330
Kyle McGinnis
Faculty Assistant
Pacific Hall 1100B
Jeanette Munoz-Mojica
Faculty Assistant
Bonner Hall 3330
Elizabeth Weber
Faculty Assistant and Department of Neurobiology Chair's Assistant
Pacific Hall 1100B


The following resources are provided by the UC San Diego general campus. They're listed on this page for convenience as they may be relevant to interactions with Faculty Assistants.

UCSD Procurement Resources

UCSD Travel Resources

Meetings, Events, and Entertainment Resources

UCSD Mailing Resources

  • The Trove: The Trove is a Full-Service Postal Annex for All of Your Shipping and Mailing Needs.
  • Logistics Portal: Occasional biological or hazardous shipments may be processed without an express courier account by completing an online form to initiate the shipment via the Logistics Portal
  • ShipIt (login required): Non-biological, non-hazardous items may be shipped using ShipIt to generate airwaybills, compare prices, and have shipments charged directly to campus funds. ShipIt may also be used to generate airwaybills for collect shipments.
  • Hazardous Shipping: Learn how to ship hazardous materials.